December, 2023
Monster High
Scope of work
Branding, UI/UX Design, Front-end Development,
Back-end Development
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Upiorna kronika monster high
On Girls' Day, we prepared a banner campaign on the Wprost.pl portal, based on the communication of the new version of the Barbie Dream Gap Project. In this project, Barbie announced a collaboration with the European Space Agency and astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti.
The astronaut, who was aboard the International Space Station, was accompanied by a… Barbie doll created in her likeness, and answered questions asked by girls all across Europe. The aim was to show that, in line with the brand's motto, girls can be anything they want in the future. In this case, the goal was to inspire them to pursue careers in STEM, in hopes of promoting gender equality for girls and women worldwide.
The campaign aimed to highlight Girls' Day, and in order to engage adult readers, we asked the Wprost portal's audience: What is Barbie doing in space?
• Development of communication in Polish
• Creation of materials - banner campaign for Wprost
• Localization and distribution of the press release

Upiorna kronika monster high
episode 1
episode 1
Telma &Luiza
Telma &Luiza
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episode 2
episode 2
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episode 3
episode 3
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